We’ll talk a little about due dates later when we discuss the first trimester.
The blood test detects HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). HCG is a hormone produced by a woman’s body after an egg has been fertilized and a woman’s pregnancy commences.
HCG can be detected in blood or urine even before a missed period, as early as six to eight days after conception.
HCG levels will significantly increase during the first trimester and then decrease a bit throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.
Abnormal HCG levels can indicate a possible miscarriage or a tubal pregnancy, or it may mean the mother can expect a multiple birth (twins, triplets, etc). Your doctor will talk to you about any abnormality in your HCG levels and monitor these levels throughout your pregnancy.
Assuming your HCG levels are consistent with a normal pregnancy, this test will not be performed again.
Doctor visits and examinations should also into consideration your family history, and any pre-existing health problems you may have.
You should also tell your doctor about any special circumstances you may need to accommodate because of your job or your family situation.
During your pregnancy, your doctor may or will perform certain tests, depending on your individual situation. We have included a list of these tests here.
You will find a routine doctor’s visit schedule included in the list below.
Remember that your individual situation may vary, but this list will give you an idea of when and how often you will need to see your doctor and what tests may be performed while you are there.
First exam and HCG test - 6 to 8 weeks into your term
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) - 10 to 12 weeks into your term
Second doctor’s visit - 10 to 12 weeks into your term
Amniocentesis - 15 to 18 weeks into your term
Third doctor’s visit - 14 to 16 weeks into your term
Multiple marker screening - 15 to 20 weeks into your term
Fourth doctor’s visit - 18 to 20 weeks in your term
Ultrasound - 16 to 20 weeks into your term
Fifth doctor’s visit - 22 to 24 weeks into your term
Glucose screening test (GCT) - 24 to 28 weeks into your term
Sixth doctor’s visit - 26 to 28 weeks into your term
Doctor’s visit - Every two weeks from 28th to 36th week
Group B strep screening - 35 to 37 weeks into your term
Doctor’s visit - Once a week 37th week through delivery
When you go to the doctor, she will check your weight, your blood pressure and your abdomen, check your baby’s heart beat, and usually do a pelvic exam. Some women are uncomfortable with these types of intimate exams and they do take some getting used to, if you are not accustomed to annual OB/GYN exams and pap smears.But, these exams ARE very important to your health and to the health of your baby. So, stick with it.
Don’t miss appointments, and don’t assume everything is OK because you don’t feel you have any symptoms or problems. Let your health care professional do her/his job!
Remember that once you know you are pregnant, it is very important to take care of yourself.
You will get lots of advice from everyone – even strangers – about what you should do and what you should NOT do.
It is important to be educated and informed, especially if this is your first baby, so that you feel confident that you know what you are doing.
Otherwise, you are likely to be blown in the wind as people give conflicting advice, and you will feel scattered and uncertain.
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