You will be better prepared for a healthy delivery if you look seriously at this issue.
Taking care of your cat – This is a great time to avoid cat litter. Pregnant women should NOT clean litter boxes, because of the risk of toxoplasmosis, spread through dirty cat litter.
Your baby may be born prematurely, suffer from poor growth or even have eye or brain damage if you are exposed to this toxic substance.
What makes this problem more serious is that you are likely to be symptom-free, while having passed toxoplasmosis to your child who child can then suffer from the effects of the toxin.
Watching your weight - You should (and will) gain weight during your pregnancy. Most of your weight gain will be during your third trimester. It is important to eat a balanced diet and exercise so that you do not gain excess weight that may hamper your recovery or your physical activity during or after pregnancy.
In general, your doctor will strive to limit your weight gain to:
o 2-4 pounds total during the first trimester
o 3-4 pounds per month during the second and third trimesters
o 25-30 pounds for an average total weight gain during pregnancy*
*if you were underweight before pregnancy: 28-40 pounds total weight gain, if you were overweight before pregnancy: 15-25 pounds total weight gain
Your total weight gain during pregnancy averages 6-8 pounds in ‘baby weight’, with the rest consisting of water retention, amniotic fluid, placental sac, and increased breast and uterine weight.
Of course everyone is different and weight gain depends on your personal situation, your height and your starting weight, as well. Talk to your doctor about what is right for you.
Studies have shown that women who gain more than the total recommended during pregnancy, and who do not lose this weight within six months after birth are at high risk for obesity as long as ten years after delivery.
Your doctor will monitor your weight gain at every visit and talk to you about any concerns he may have in that regard.
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