Saturday, September 19, 2009

Increasing milk production

Increasing milk production

Taking after meals "water colic" name by which is also known the infusion of dill prevents infant cramps, apart from increasing the production of milk.

Its cumarins, flavonoids , caffeic and chlorogenic acid content confer it extraordinary properties such as increasing the formation of breast milk. It is also highlight popular serviceable as a moderate diuretic, used in mild edema, liquids retention and small alterations of blood pressure.

Used in cases of dyspepsia, digestive spasms and in heavy and slow digestions.

You can take the dill alone or combine it equally with aniseed and fennel seeds.
Use one teaspoon of this herbal cocktail for a boiling glass of water.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Half an hour of exercise a day provides a plethora of benefits to pregnant women: improving the movement, avoids the risk of developing gestational diabetes, prevents pain back and reduces stress.

However, it should be an activity appropriate that does not involve risks or cause an excessive tiredness as swimming, walk, Yoga, gymnastics etc

It is essential, however to ask for gynecologist advice before as there are circumstances where sport should be avoided as, for example: suffer of previous placenta, abortion, spotting, delay in the development of the fetus..

It is healthier to exercise regularly (three times a week) that an intense effort from time to time. To avoid tiredness in excess, it is convenient to check heart rate (must not exceed 140 keystrokes per minute)


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Omega 3 essential in pregnancy

Omega 3 essential in pregnancy

As demonstrated by studies and research, pregnant women that follow a diet rich in oily fish, flax seed and nuts give birth to babies with larger cognitive capacity, due to the fact that this type of fat are fundamental for a complete development and function of the human brain.

Not only this food consumption affects the health of the fetus, mother will also benefit, since that Omega-3 acids reduce the risk of hypertension.

Due to the substantial content in mercury of tuna and swordfish, it is preferable that you choose the smaller oily fish- sardine, mackerel, etc.
